Veľký Kyseľ
(Great Kyseľ)


Veľký Kyseľ is another gorge from the valley of Kyseľ, located in the northern part, right next to Malý Kyseľ and the end of the Ferrata HZS in Kyseľ.

In Veľký Kyseľ you will meet the Pawlas waterfall, the Waterfall ochrancov prírody and the waterfalls in Beriera. The waterfalls formed on the rock steps of the gorge can be climbed with the help of wooden footbridges or stepping stones, which are not to be missed in the gorge.

The best and closest starting point for the Veľký Kyseľ is Podlesok. The journey from Podlesok to the start of the Veľký Kyseľ Gorge takes approximately 1:45 h, and the route is in the direction Podlesok > Nad Podleskom > Pod Kláštoriskom > Kláštorisko > Nad Kyseľom > Kyseľ, rázcestie.

Veľký Kyseľ is accessible all year round. Conditions in the gorge can change depending on the season or the weather. We therefore recommend a suitable selection of hiking clothing and equipment (sturdy shoes, spare socks, etc.). In the winter months, the ladders can be covered with ice, so we recommend bringing crampons.


For parking you can use the paid parking lots in Podlesok. For more detailed information, see parking lots and parking fees.

Crossing the gorge

There is a green hiking trail through the gorge of Veľký Kyseľ and it is passable only in one direction - upstream of the stream. It is similar in length to the Malý Kyseľ - 2.2 km with a crossing time of about 75 minutes and a climb of 260m.

After successfully crossing the Veľký Kyseľ, you will reach the crossroads Pod Biskupskými Chyžkami, from where you can go directly to Podlesok, to Čingov via Klauzy or to Píla - Piecky.

If you want to go to the Podlesok tourist centre, take the route in the direction Pod Biskupskými Chyžkami > Glac, Malá poľana > Suchá Bela, záver > Pod Vtáčim hrbom > Nad Podleskom > Podlesok. This route takes approximately 2 hours.

If you want to continue the hike and visit Klauzy, take the route in the direction Pod Biskupskými Chyžkami > Sokolia dolina, záver > Pod Bykarkou > Klauzy > Sokolia dolina, ústie > Kysel, ústie > Biely potok, ústie > Lesnica, ústie > Čingov, centrum. This route takes 3.5 hours.

If you want to finish the hike at Pila - Piecky, take the route in the direction Pod Biskupskými Chyžkami > Glac, Malá poľana > Malá poľana, rázcestie > Palc, rázcestie > Pila - Piecky. This route takes approximately 2 hours.

Bicycle rental

If you want to make your journey back to Podlesok more pleasant, you can rent a bike from Cyklo Tour Spiš. You can rent a bike at the end of Sucha Bela or also at Kláštorisko. The price for the descent to Podlesok is 7,50 €.

Accessibility of gorge

Updated at
23.09.2024 08:00
Note: risk of falling trees


Pawlasov vodopád
Pawlasov vodopád (5,5 m)
Vodopád ochrancov prírody
Vodopád ochrancov prírody (10 m)
Vodopád V Bariére
Vodopád V Bariére (10 m)

Parking and public transport

Zastávka - Podlesok, rázc.
Zastávka - Hrabušice, rázc. Betlanovce
Zastávka - Hrabušice, píla
Zastávka - Čingov, parkovisko
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