Ferrata HZS Kyseľ

In recent years, Ferrata in Kyseľ gorge has been one of the most popular activities in the Slovak Paradise. Thanks to the members of the Mountain Rescue Service in the Slovak Paradise (after which it takes its name), crossing this gorge, which burned down more than 40 years ago, is now possible again.
This gorge is also known for the fact that, in addition to unforgettable experiences and memories, tourists take with them their soaked socks, sometimes even their trousers. We therefore recommend a suitable selection of hiking clothing and equipment (sturdy shoes, spare socks, etc.).
For nature conservation reasons, the Ferrata is only open from 15th of June to 31th of October.
Ferrata set
To enter this gorge you need a (compulsory) special harness called a ferrata set, which you can rent from several rental shops. The price for renting a ferrata set usually ranges from 10 € to 20 €. When crossing this gorge, you just need to put on your ferrata set before entering the gorge. Be especially mindful of your safety and make sure your helmet is properly fastened to prevent accidents caused by falling rocks.
Entrance fee to Ferrata HZS Kysel
- basic entrance fee: 5,00 €
- basic entrance fee after regional discount: 2,50 €
- Admission via SMS: 6,00 €
- Admission by SMS after regional discount: 3,00 €
- entrance fee purchased directly at the Ferrata HZS Kyseľ site: 10 €
*Regional discount valid for:
a) holders of the Slovak Paradise & Spiš tourist card issued only to accommodated guests by accommodation facilities in the destination Slovak Paradise & Spiš
b) inhabitants of the region with permanent residence in the town of Spišská Nová Ves and Dobšiná and the villages of Smižany, Spišské Tomášovce, Letanovce, Hrabušice, Betlanovce, Spišský Štiavnik, Hranovnica, Spišské Bystré, Vydrník, Arnutovce, Mlynky, Dedinky, Stratená, Vernár, Telgárt, Hnilec, Hnilčík.
More info can be found at npslovenskyraj.sk.
For parking you can use the paid parking lots in Podlesok or Čingov. For more detailed information, see parking lots and parking fees.
How to get to the Ferrata start
The quickest way to get to the start of the ferrata is from Čingov, where you can park your vehicle and rent a ferrata set directly. From the crossroads Čingov, centre, follow the blue sign in the direction Lesnica, ústie > Biely potok, ústie >
Kyseľ, ústie.
The other option is the route from Podlesok via Kláštorisko, where you can also park your vehicle and rent a ferrata kit. From Podlesek you go in the direction Podlesok > Nad Podleskom >
Pod Kláštoriskom >
Kláštorisko >
Kláštorisko, lúka >
Kyseľ, ústie.
Crossing the gorge
The gorge is located directly below Kláštorisko, it is 1.4km long with a crossing time of approximately 2 hours and a climb of approximately 200 metres. A green hiking trail leads through it and it is passable only in one direction - upstream of the stream.
During the crossing you will find many ladders, climbs and waterfalls. However, the greatest experience awaits you at the end of the gorge - the Obrovský waterfall. In addition to a spectacular view of this massive waterfall, you will climb a set of ladders that lead alongside this waterfall. The Barikádový waterfall, the Kaplnkový waterfall and the Temica waterfall are also worth mentioning.
After climbing the Obrovský waterfall, you will reach the bridge located directly above this waterfall, from which you can enjoy the view of the Kyseľ valley.
From the bridge over the Obrovský waterfall, it takes about 10 minutes to get to the crossroads, from which you can continue to Kláštorisko. Often, however, people overlook the opportunity to continue on through the gorge, which will take you to the last one, Karolíniho waterfall. Therefore, if you plan to visit this gorge, be sure not to miss this waterfall.
After crossing the ferrata, you have several options on where to continue on. You can return to the Kláštorisko tourist centre along the blue hiking trail or continue on through the Malý Kyseľ gorge (along the blue hiking trail) or Veľký Kyseľ gorge (along the green hiking trail).
Bicycle rental
If you want to make your journey back to Podlesok more pleasant, you can rent a bike from Cyklo Tour Spiš. You can rent a bike at the end of Sucha Bela or also at Kláštorisko. The price for the descent to Podlesok is 7,50 €.
The discovery of this wild gorge, up to its first continuous crossing of the Kyseľ riverbed with the climbing of the Obrovský waterfall, lasted for seven years. The first winter crossing took place eleven years after the beginning of its discovery, in August 1907.
In July 1976, the Kyseľ gorge was engulfed by a large fire that broke out at the mouth of the gorge. This fire was so big that it spread to the whole gorge in one night and engulfed the entire hillside. The Kyseľ gorge was therefore closed for 40 years from 1976 because of this fire, when it was subsequently repaired and reopened after 40 years by members of the Mountain Rescue Service.